How Martial Arts Can Help You

Tai Chi is a martial art very well known for its defense techniques and health benefits.

Health Benefits

A low impact moving meditation exercise, it is excellent for building muscular strength, increasing balance, creating flexibility, improving lung capacity, and reducing stress and blood pressure.

Healthy Aging

Tai Chi is also recommended for specific medical ailments such as arthritis, low bone density, many forms of cancer, heart disease, hypertension, Parkinson’s disease, sleep problems, stroke, and many more.


While tai chi is typified by some for its slow movements, coach Joe Wood emphasizes hands on exercises to condition the mind & body from the beginning to prepare for self-defense training.

Now enrolling in several locations in Johnson County KS! 

Sylvester Powell Jr. Community Center

Click to enroll in Tai Chi program

Roeland Park Community Center

(temporarily held at City Hall)

Click to enroll in 50+ Tai Chi programs

Successful collaboration with other professionals in our community keeps us strong. Here's a few of our favorites:

Joe Wood

Martial Arts Coach

Practicing various forms of martial arts since childhood, Coach Wood specializes in Tai Chi for fitness and self-defense.

Angela Pugh

Life Coach

Kansas City's premier Life Coach, helping people in increasing self-esteem, motivation, self-discipline, and goal setting.